Bayazid Sustami M N

Jl. Mampang Prapatan XI No.38C 8, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12790 · (+62) 85399932421 · [email protected]

With over three years of hands-on experience in native Android development using Java and Kotlin, I have cultivated a deep passion for mobile app creation. My dedication to mastering mobile development extends beyond Android, as I actively pursue knowledge in iOS and cross-platform development. In addition to my expertise in mobile technologies, I also venture into broader realms, exploring Backend development and DevOps, demonstrating my commitment to continuous learning and versatility in the ever-evolving landscape of software engineering.


PT. ADI Consulting

Android Developer

As Android Developer, i assigned into BRI team to help Brimo's team develop and maintain ther apps.

March 2024 - Present

PT. Cerita Untuk Anak Negeri (Octopus Indonesia)

Software Engineer - Mobile

In my role, I successfully developed and integrated both the Collector and Agent Apps, showcasing my proficiency in app development. Implementing a robust CI/CD pipeline through GitHub Actions and Jenkins allowed for streamlined processes. I actively participated in a proof-of-concept, merging the Collector and Agent Apps seamlessly. Additionally, I spearheaded the adoption of Jetpack Compose in the Collector App, demonstrating a commitment to innovative technologies. Taking charge of release management for both apps showcased my organizational skills. Lastly, I significantly enhanced code quality by incorporating unit tests, contributing to a commendable 70% increase in code coverage.

December 2022 - March 2024

PT. Tokopedia

Associate Software Engineer - Android

During my venture at Tokopedia, I played a pivotal role in enhancing the app's functionality by implementing the Flight and Hotel feature and developing the Entertainment, TopUp & Bills features. Additionally, I actively participated in the Android 12 Behavior Changes workgroup, ensuring the Tokopedia App's compatibility with Android 12 and above. To optimize build efficiency, I initiated a Proof of Concept (POC) for Kotlin Symbol Processor (KSP) implementation, surpassing the performance of the old annotation processor for Kotlin (KAPT). I also contributed significantly to the collaborative development of Tokopedia Plus, a subscription program offering customers exclusive discounts and vouchers, engaging in cross-team efforts. My expertise was further showcased as a speaker at DevCamp, reflecting my commitment to knowledge sharing and professional growth within the tech community.

December 2021 - December 2022

CV. Celebes Tech Solution

Android Developer

In my role as an Android App Developer, I have been actively involved in the end-to-end process of app development, including maintenance and debugging to ensure optimal performance and prevent crashes. My responsibilities extended to managing releases on the Play Store, showcasing my proficiency in deployment and version control. Additionally, I actively collaborated with clients in designing systems and planning development strategies, showcasing my commitment to effective communication and partnership throughout the development lifecycle.

October 2020 - November 2021

PT. Jagona Teknologi Nusantara

Android Developer

In this role, my primary responsibilities involve enhancing the Jagona App through the addition of new features and addressing bugs in both the Jagona and Jagona Driver Apps. I will leverage my skills in mobile app development to seamlessly integrate the app with a web service using Restful API, ensuring efficient communication between platforms. Additionally, I will contribute to the formulation of a development plan, outlining strategies for the app's continuous improvement. This opportunity allows me to play a key role in shaping the app's future, focusing on innovation and strategic planning for sustained growth.

February 2020 - November 2020


University of Hasanuddin

Bachelor of Engineer
Informatics Engineer - Parallel Computing Track

GPA: 3.41

August 2015 - July 2020


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Create app using MVVM with Clean Architecture Approach
  • Go-Lang Backend With MVC Architecture
  • Modern Android Development Approach
  • XML and Jetpack Compose as UI Tool for Android
  • Continious Integration/Continious Delivery
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


I am a passionate Android Developer who not only excels in crafting innovative applications but also actively engages in various engineering communities, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Outside the realm of coding, I am a spirited badminton enthusiast, gracefully navigating the court to stay physically active and competitive. In moments of leisure, I immerse myself in the virtual realms of gaming, finding joy and relaxation in the immersive worlds created by digital entertainment. My multifaceted pursuits reflect a dynamic and balanced approach to life, blending technical expertise with sportsmanship and leisure for a well-rounded experience.


Repeater 247

  • Overview
  • Repeater 247 is an emergency application consisting of 2 Repeater Applications for peoples and a Repeater for officers and is currently being used by the East Luwu District Government. This Repeater application for the community has 2 main features, namely making emergency reports and regular reports. Reports entered by the public will be entered into the report list on the officer's application which will then be followed up by officers through the application.

  • Responsibilities
  • In this project I was involved as an android developer who developed applications for the people and officers. I was also involved in designing the system design of the application as a whole. by officers through the application.

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, MVVM, Firebase, Retrofit, Git, Android Studio, XML, CameraX

  • Project Url

Siap Boss DPMPTSP Pinrang

  • Overview
  • The ready boss application is a service application to make it easier for the public to register online, tracking licensing systems, obtaining information about licensing, types of permits and requirements, licensing status, printing permit documents independently and so on.

  • Responsibilities
  • In this project I was involved as an android developer

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, MVVM, Firebase, Retrofit, Git, Android Studio, XML

  • Project Url


  • Overview
  • The LASINRANG application is an information system application that provides information about fisheries in Pinrang Regency. This application has a forum feature that allows users to discuss in the forum and can communicate with cultivator experts

  • Responsibilities
  • In this project I was involved as an android developer.I was also involved in designing the system.

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, MVVM, Firebase, Retrofit, Git, XML, Koin, Room, Android Studio

  • Project Url


  • Overview
  • The JELITAKU application is a queuing system application at the Pinrang district population and civil registration service. This application helps the community in the process of civil registration such as making ID cards to marriage documents, through the Jelitaku application, people do not need to queue at the counter. The civil registration document application process until the document is published is served online.

  • Responsibilities
  • In this project I was involved as an android developer.I was also involved in designing the system.

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, MVVM, Firebase, Retrofit, Git, Android Studio, XML, Dagger Hilt, Lottie, RxJava

  • Project Url


  • Overview
  • Tracker-annotation is a tool created using KSP (kotlin symbolic processor). This tool aims to make it easier for developers when creating tracker/analytic functions so that it doesn't take too much time to create the function. developers only need to mention what parameters are needed then this tool will be in charge of generating code according to the parameters that have been specified.

  • Responsibilities
  • Initiator and maintainer of this open source project.

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, KSP (Kotlin Symbolic Processor), Kotlin Poet

  • Project Url

Poke Dex

  • Overview
  • Poke Dex is an open source android project. The android application built is to display pokemon characters and their details.

  • Responsibilities
  • Initiator and maintainer of this open source project.

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, MVVM, Room, Dagger Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, XML, Android Studio, Coil

  • Project Url

Movie App

  • Overview
  • Movie-App is an Android application built to provide users with a seamless experience in exploring and discovering movies based on various genres. It utilizes modern Android development tools and libraries including Jetpack Compose for UI, Retrofit for networking, Coroutine Flow for asynchronous operations, and more.

  • Responsibilities
  • Initiator and maintainer of this open source project.

  • Tech Stack
  • Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Android Studio, Coil, Coroutine Flow

  • Project Url


  • Overview
  • ShopifyX is first project of OpenIdea-ProjectSprint initiated by @nandapagi. This project is mini Backend App that provide restful api to manage seller and users.

  • Responsibilities
  • Backend Developer

  • Tech Stack
  • Golang, Gofiber, MVC, Postgresql, AWS S3, Pgxpool, JWT, Validator

  • Project Url

Social Media

  • Overview
  • SocialMedia is second project of OpenIdea-ProjectSprint initiated by @nandapagi. This project is similar with Instagram or Twitter, we can add friends, create a post, and comment a post. This project has been tested with maximum 600 vus using k6 with avg 1.2req/s

  • Responsibilities
  • Backend Developer

  • Tech Stack
  • Golang, Gofiber, MVC, Postgresql, AWS S3, Pgxpool, JWT, Validator, prometheus, grafana, docker

  • Project Url

Banking App

  • Overview
  • Banking is third project of OpenIdea-ProjectSprint initiated by @nandapagi. This project is final project of OpendIdea-ProjectSprint series. This project is backend app that allow us to topup and transfer money seamlessly. We have implement auto deploy using github action into AWS ECS

  • Responsibilities
  • Backend Developer

  • Tech Stack
  • Golang, Gofiber, MVC, Postgresql, AWS S3, AWS ECS, AWS ECR, Pgxpool, JWT, Validator, prometheus, grafana, docker

  • Project Url